Default Settings

For ease and efficiency, we understand some merchants may want the same default settings applied to all of the products that they're displaying a price per unit for. This is why our Settings allow you to select a default Unit of Measurement, currency and Price per Unit Format. 

The Unit of Measurement can have any value. It's defined as a single unit of a product in your store To give you some examples this can be 'piece' or 'unit' if you are selling clothing, a measurement such as lb, grams or kg if you're selling something like coffee, 'sq.foot' or 'sq.meter' if you're selling flooring, a bottle if you're selling wine etc. 

The Store Currency is automatically taken from your store when the app is installed. This value can also be edited, for example, instead of using the '$' you can change the text to be displayed as 'US dollars'. 

The Price per Unit Format is as the name suggests the exact format in which you want the price per unit to be displayed next to the products in your store. You can select between the two recommended formats or alternatively, you can customize your own.

The two standard recommended formats are: 



For example, in an USD store selling a pack of pens worth $0.50 each, the app will display the price per unit as '$0.50 per pen' using the first option and '$0.50/pen' using the second option. Similarly,  in an GBP store, the app will display the price per unit as '£0.50 per pen' using the first format option or '£0.50/pen' using the second format option. 

Once you're reviewed these and entered values appropriate for your store, you can apply these settings to all products by clicking the tick box at the bottom of the page (Use default settings for all products). You can enable and disable this at any time. 

Once your Default Settings are saved, any new products you want to create a price per unit for will automatically apply these when selected and you will only need to enter the Number of Units. 

If you do not wish to use the default settings, simply untick the Use default settings box and you can now edit the Unit of Measurement and Price per Unit Format. 

Please bear in mind that the app comes with a set of prepopulated default settings- 'unit' is used for Unit of Measurement, $  for currency and [currency][price_per_unit] per [unit of measurement] is the Price Per Unit Format. Please review these before use and make sure they are appropriate for your store. 

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